Home Care Instructions

Patients often experience some discomfort for a day or so after Endodontic therapy, especially when chewing. Cleaning diseased tissue from the root canals may cause inflammation of the surrounding ligament and bone. If your tooth hurts before treatment, it may take additional time for the soreness to go away. You can help minimize side effects by following these suggestions:

  1. Try to avoid biting or chewing with the treated tooth during the first few days. The opening in your tooth through which treatment is accomplished is closed with a temporary seal, which can withstand only normal chewing pressure. If you should lose this temporary seal please contact our office at (813) 662-9282.
  2. For pain relief, take the same medication you normally use for a headache or that is prescribed by our office. Take it at the onset of even slight pain and repeat as directed.
  3. In certain cases, we will prescribe antibiotics. Take these as directed until they are all gone.

Thank you again for selecting our office for your endodontic cares. Please contact your general dentist within 30 days from the completion of treatment. Please do not hesitate to call if we can be of any assistance to you now or any time in the future.